
Here are some technical details about this website and how I’ve built it.

I originally launched in September 2006 as a single-page website that displayed my résumé using hand-coded html, css, and JavaScript. After several iterations over the years, I rebuilt the site using Squarespace in December 2021. The layout and content were last updated in January 2025.

Image Credits

All images are my own with the following exceptions:

Home page:

404 page:


I’m rather obsessed with fonts, and this site uses two of my favorites.

The bold headings (for example, the “Typography” heading above) are set in Bernhard Gothic SG Heavy and served through MyFonts. It’s a handsome geometric style created by Lucian Bernhard in 1930 and digitized by Jim Spiece in 1993.

The body text (used in this paragraph) uses atf Garamond Text, courtesy of Type Network. I’ve admired this classic serif typeface, designed by Morris Fuller Benton circa 1917, for a long time. A faithful revival of the style was released in 2015, and I’m not the only one who loves it.